Technology Consulting & Planning
Your Business Needs A Technology Plan For Today And For The Future
When You Don’t Have a technology plan, you are planning to have a technology nightmare
How Will Not Having a plan Impact Your Business? It will most likely look like this.
Your Business Is Being Held Back Because Your Technology Is Slowing You Down
Your Employees Are Experiencing The Pain Of Having Too Many Systems To use
Your Customers Are Struggling To Do Business With You Because It Is Too Difficult
This Technology Nightmare Doesn’t Have To be Your reality.
At Integrity Business Solutions, we work with business owners to create a technology roadmap that not only solves your current IT issues, but aligns with your business goals for the future.
How we Create Your Technology roadmap
Step #1:
We Understand Your Business
We discuss your reasons for being in business and your current and future growth goals.
Step #2:
We Understand Your people
We allow your employees to express how technology affects their ability to perform their roles and how we can assist them.
Step #3:
We Understand Your Technology
We assess how technology functions within your business currently and how it will operate as you grow.
get Started Creating Your technology roadmap
Part 1: We have a conversation about your business and what your goals are.
Part 2: We talk to your employees and understand how they view technology.
Part 3: We do a technology assessment to determine the health of your current technology and determine how well it fits your processes.
Part 4: We combine the first 3 parts to create a 12 to 36-month technology roadmap that you can follow or have us implement for you.
You have 3 options to choose from:
Option 1: You can self-implement your technology roadmap.
Option 2: (Recommended) We work with you and implement your technology roadmap. We will continuously update it to match your business goals.
Option 3: Do nothing.
The initial conversation about your business and your business goals is always free.
There is a fee for the assessment of your technology, your employee evaluations, and the creation of your technology roadmap. The fee will depend on the size and complexity of your business.
Yes, if you choose to work with us. We will apply the cost of creating your roadmap to your implementation fee.